January 12, 2021

Altar Flower Dedications

Flower dedications are a wonderful way to show gratitude for or honor loved ones. When altar flowers are dedicated, the names and messages are listed in our weekly order of service which is available for those worshipping in person or those joining in worship online.

Use the link above to view the available Sundays and make your contribution. Please read the instructions carefully when you reserve your date, as we want to ensure we accurately capture your dedication.

A few helpful tips:

  1. Find your preferred Sunday. There are no altar flowers during the season of Lent. Easter lilies and Christmas poinsettias are dedicated through a special signup that will be available on the dedication page as the season approaches.
  2. Choose the number of dedications (three are available weekly. If none are available, the Sunday will be listed as “out of stock.”)
  3. Enter the dedication language (In Memory of, In Thanksgiving For, or In Celebration of), the person’s name, and any flower preferences.
  4. Add to cart and follow the payment prompts to place your order.

Please contact our church office at (850) 222-2636 if you require assistance.

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