April 9, 2021

$28K Raised for Medical Debt Relief

This Lent, the people of St. John’s made a record-breaking impact in the lives of those struggling with crippling medical debt.

On Shrove Tuesday, we issued a challenge to St. John’s members to raise $10,000 to help relieve medical debt for families in Florida through the nonprofit organization RIP Medical Debt. RIP Medical Debt purchases medical debt at a deeply discounted rate, turning a $1 donation into $100 in forgiven medical debt.

Our goal was to raise $10,000 during Lent to purchase and forgive $1 million of medical debt for Florida families, a gift that could give those struggling a fresh start, allowing them to receive critical medical attention and support on their journey toward financial stability.

We are pleased to report that St. John’s rose to — and far exceeded — the challenge. Donations poured in during Lent helping us quickly surpass our $10,000 goal. At last count, we raised nearly $28,000, forgiving $2.8 million in medical debt for Florida families!

This latest donation will be a welcome surprise for so many families in Florida. We can imagine the Easter joy on the faces of the individuals who will receive letters telling them their debt was forgiven by donations from St. Johns. Families can pay mortgages, utility bills, put food on their tables, and, most importantly, remain in the neighborhood.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Medical debt is crushing and debilitating for so many. Today, we are celebrating the many St. John’s members who rose to the challenge to help our neighbors pay off medical debt. THANK YOU!

For more detail on our partnering organization, we invite you to visit RIP Medical Debt’s Florida webpage to watch a great informational video about how these donations work.

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