October 1, 2021

Return to In-Person Formation

Updated: October 1, 2021

This week, the St. John’s COVID-19 Task Force met regarding in-person formation and seating for worship. With guidance from our medical professionals, we’ve decided to resume in-person formation beginning next Sunday, October 10. We will also ease some restrictions regarding seating for worship in the church.

Please note that masks are still required on campus, especially in the church, where congregational singing will now be permitted. Masks also help us protect our youngest parishioners who are still unable to receive the vaccination.


  • Services will return to full capacity (October 3)
  • Self-regulated distancing in the church (October 3)
  • Children’s Chapel resumes and children will be invited forward for the Children’s Homily (October 10)


  • After church, at 11:15 AM, Coffee Talk returns to a hybrid format in Killeen Hall & Zoom (October 10)
  • Sunday School (grades PreK-5) will begin its weekly curriculum (October 10)
  • Youth (grades 6-12) will meet for Bible. Conversation. Donuts. (BCD), a twice monthly gathering (October 10)
  • Although some of our weekday adult education and spiritual formation offerings will eventually return to a hybrid format, most will continue to be offered via Zoom.

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