September 6, 2023

Youth Ministry – Fall 2023

Welcome to another great year with St. John’s Episcopal Youth Ministry. If we haven’t met yet, my name is Nic Mandolini and I am the Director of Youth and Family Ministries. Whether you are new to this ministry or one of our returning friends, we are glad that you are here!

This summer, St. John’s Youth built friendships all over the world, and we are excited to build a friendship with you this semester as we begin the “Year of the Bible” at St. John’s. We will be reading through God’s Word, laughing, playing games, and growing closer in our faith.

St. John’s Youth events feature a combination of small- and large-group gatherings that take place on weekdays and weekends. Read on for important information about the fall semester with St. John’s Youth Ministries.

At St. John’s, you are welcome no matter who you are or where you are on your spiritual journey. We can’t wait to see you soon!


St. John’s will continue Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) gatherings, or Youth Group, on the First Sunday of each month. All youth, grades 6-12 are invited to join us for fun-filled, themed nights with special games and dinner. These gatherings will take place from 5-7 PM in Alfriend Hall at St. Johns. We skipped our September gathering due to Labor Day and our “Slip-n-Slide Kickball” kickoff, so we’ll begin in October. Bring a friend! Dates for the fall are:

  • October 1
  • November 5
  • December 3


This school year, we are excited to announce that we are adding a second community gathering each month. Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to St. John’s every Third Sunday of the month from 5-7 PM. We will gather in the Youth Room (downstairs), for dinner, games, and a youth-led discussion. This year, St. John’s Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) will dive deeper into God’s Word, discovering what the Bible says and how we can use it in our lives. We won’t meet in November, due to Thanksgiving week. So, dates for the fall are:

  • September 17
  • October 15
  • December 17 (Christmas Caroling)


Throughout the month, we have small group gatherings for youth of all ages and stages! Click on the names below for a list of upcoming dates and more details about each offering.

  • Whataburger Wednesday – EVERY WEDNESDAY – 2:15 PM – snacks and group discussion.
  • Thursday Night Compline – (grades 6-12) – EVERY THURSDAY – 7:30 PM on Instagram Live. Join us live or later in the evening (@stjohnstallyyouth).
  • Global Philanthropy Leaders – MONTHLY ON SUNDAYS at St. John’s – high school students gather in a small group setting for lunch and a monthly discussion about sharing in God’s abundance through investment. Applications are accepted in the spring for this September-April program.


St. John’s Youth are busy on Sundays – worshipping, serving, and learning at Sunday School.

Youth are invited to experience Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 8 AM or 10 AM. Our middle- and high-schoolers also play an integral role in worship by serving as acolytes, youth lectors, or by singing in the choir. If you are interested in one of these roles, contact Michael Spellman or Nic Mandolini for info. 

Sunday School classes for grades 6-12 will once again start meeting weekly (begins September 10). Join us for the “The Year of The Bible!” We will be reading through God’s Word and discovering how it applies to our lives. Meet in the Youth Room (downstairs) from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM for snacks and fellowship. The teen version of The Story will be provided for all youth participants.


Throughout the year, the Episcopal Diocese of Florida plans to offer a number of Youth Ministry events at Camp Weed. It’s all about gathering as an Episcopal community and bringing the youth of our diocese together for food, community, and spiritual retreats. Please watch our social media, youth emails, and the church website for more information about Happening (high school), New Beginnings (middle school), and more!

That’s the nuts and bolts! But stay tuned for details on more youth fun – confirmation classes, mission signups, and special trips and outings. You can always access a full list of upcoming Youth events from our online calendar.

Contact Nic Mandolini, Director of Youth and Family Ministries, with any questions or concerns!

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