September 24, 2020

September Vestry Update

By Doug Sessions, Senior Warden and Lynn Solomon, Junior Warden

St. John’s continues to see faithful and generous giving during this time of pandemic. Although revenue is down, so are expenses. The Stewardship and Finance team is hopeful that end-of-year giving will bring us to a financial position of strength heading into the New Year.

The Capital Campaign and building project is nearing its conclusion. Vestry reconfirmed approval of the final priority project list that should be completed by the end of October, including Calhoun St. hallway improvements. A great report from the contractor indicated the re-roofing and repair of Carter Chapel and the Choir Room is almost complete and no further damage was uncovered. The wood rot around some the choir room exterior windows and sills should be completed in the next week or so.

Lively Café re-opened the first week of September for take-out/pick-up only and business has increased since. Fran reports a hearty band of volunteers are back, as is a steady current of customers. A new ordering and payment system and delivery at the Calhoun Street entrance ensures a near contactless operation.

Finance presented the 2019 Church audit and were happy to report a clean bill of health. Much praise was given the finance team for its exemplary stewardship.

Mother Abi is heading a team of volunteers committed to liquidating the inventory remaining in the Book & Gift Store. An online ordering and payment system will soon be in place to offer one and all the opportunity to purchase holiday gifts, baptism and marriage items, Bibles, Prayer Books and an assortment of inspirational gifts. Announcements will be made soon as the committee prepares for sales via the St. John’s website.

Father Dave reported that Communion in the Garden (2-5 p.m. on Sundays) is progressing wonderfully (average attendance of 80 souls). The first Neighborhood Eucharist was held last week and was a heartfelt occasion. The Neighborhood Eucharist’s are limited to 25 and held on Sundays at 10am and Thursdays evenings at 6pm. Contact Mother Abi to schedule your neighborhood.

Father Wallace and a team of parish leaders reported on a new initiative: the Abbey at St. John’s, an online and in-person community for spiritual practice, learning and action. This center will provide spiritual nourishment for parish members and seekers. Plans are being made to return to the Vestry for approval of the Center by the end of the year to unveil this exciting new effort.

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