October 19, 2020

St. John’s COVID-19 Guidelines


The following sanitation and social distancing measures were established by the St. John’s COVID-19 Task Force, considering public health guidelines from national, state, and local authorities, and guidance from the Episcopal Diocese of Florida. As we move through the stages of parish regathering, individuals choosing to attend in-person worship services should understand the protocols and measures in place to ensure their safety and agree to abide by the St. John’s Worship Covenant.


  • Masks are required on campus at all times.
  • Signage has been posted stressing the importance of wearing masks, sanitizing hands, and refraining from visiting in person if they are experiencing symptoms.
  • Extra masks are available at the Calhoun Street entrance.
  • Hand sanitizer is available at each entrance.
  • Extra chairs and furniture have been removed to improve space for social distancing and reduce unnecessary traffic in office areas.
  • Ongoing disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces.
  • Plexiglass has been installed in reception area.
  • The HVAC system will remain on while buildings are occupied. Research is in process to determine additional means to cleanse the air in the church and the rest of the campus to provide a safe environment for parishioners.


  • Prayer books, hymnals and items on display in pews/at entrances have been removed.
  • Every other pew is roped off for social distancing in the church.
  • CDC approved disinfectant is being applied before and after each service. The church has purchased an electrostatic fogger to apply disinfectant more efficiently than with sanitizing wipes.
  • Clergy and worship vesting rooms, including the sacristy, are being disinfected prior to and following each service.
  • The HVAC system will remain on and select doors will remain open during services.


  • Chairs in Alfriend Hall spaced 6 feet apart during overflow services and disinfected prior to and after use.
  • Coffee and food will not be available on Sunday mornings.


  • Tape on floor maintains distance in ordering and pickup lines.
  • Order taker table has been placed behind Plexiglass.
  • Separate pickup area for online orders.
  • Window pickup area behind Plexiglass.
  • No tables available for dining in Alfriend Hall.
  • Contactless payment. No cash accepted.


As we move through the stages of parish regathering, we ask that everyone agree to abide by our St. John’s Worship Covenant, which states that anyone attending services or events on campus is required to immediately notify parish officials if they become symptomatic or if they are diagnosed as positive for the coronavirus while on campus.

The exposure period begins two days prior to onset of illness or positive test in the index individual. Close contacts are defined as those within 6 feet of a COVID-positive person for 15 minutes or greater.

  • Those who test positive for the virus can return to campus:
    • 10 days since symptoms first appeared or positive test and
    • 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications
    • Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving*

*Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation

  • Those who have been exposed, regardless of testing, must quarantine for 14 days.
    • If exposure occurs, St. John’s will coordinate with the Leon County Health Department to assist with contact tracing.
    • Cameras in the sanctuary will document those in attendance during Sunday services. Due to potential aerosol spread, anyone within 15 to 20 feet could be at risk and will be contacted.


  1. CDC: When You Can be Around Others After You Had or Likely Had COVID-19 https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/end-home-isolation.html
  2. CDC: Returning to work https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/returning-to-work.html
  3. Dr. Don Zorn and Dr. Laura Brock

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