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ReadingPals – Training and Information Session

July 21 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Are you passionate about childhood literacy? Are you interested in being a “ReadingPal” for an elementary school student? Join us at 11:30 AM in Killeen Hall to hear Samantha Sager tell us all about the ReadingPals program at Riley Elementary, as well as take you through a brief training session.

Samantha Sager is the Leon County ReadingPals Director and she will outline the ReadingPals Program and will train us to use the program with students to build their reading skills. After you complete the training on Sunday, you may become a ReadingPal, if you wish. Whether you chose to become a Pal or not, the training is very interesting and worthwhile. The program does provide the mentor with the materials to use in each lesson.

To make sure we have enough materials for everyone, please click here to RSVP your attendance on July 21.

What is ReadingPals:

ReadingPals is a statewide early literacy initiative that provides volunteer mentors for students from Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) to 3rd grade who may need extra help, utilizing one-on-one settings. ReadingPals offers volunteers an opportunity to build meaningful relationships with young children in Florida, while helping them improve their social-emotional development and early literacy skills. The ReadingPals Program was established by The Children’s Movement of Florida to address 3rd grade reading scores. It is implemented by United Ways across Florida as well as some other organizations, with the help of numerous community partners across the state. Click here to learn more.

The program is sponsored by the United Way and works with Leon County schools to implement in our county schools.

ReadingPals goals:

  1. Mentoring: To build genuine, impactful relationships between students and our volunteer mentors.
  2. Early Literacy: To improve students’ understanding of the fundamental building blocks of early literacy.
  3. Social-Emotional Development: To help students build a strong social-emotional foundation through self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making.



July 21
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Event Categories:
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Susan Walton


Killeen Hall

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