May 1, 2020

Setting up a Home Altar

Mindful practices are nuggets of wisdom offered to help bring peace, comfort and a sense of God’s presence to our homes. This spring and summer, we will introduce some new ideas with hope that you will “try on” a new mindful practice and become more connected to God. Today’s practice is about setting up a home altar, or a special place to remind us of our loving connection to God, family, and all of creation. 

We create a home altar by designating “sacred space” inside or outside of our home. Altar size varies from a few square inches to entire rooms. A small table, shelf, desk top, or window sill would work well. Pictures of loved ones or religious figures, flowers, leaves, feathers, and quotes frequently find their way to home altars reminding us of our connectedness. 

Altar Creation Steps: 

  1. set an intention to create sacred space
  2. ask the Holy Spirit to help identity this space
  3. bless the space, add precious items
  4. spend time by the altar reflecting and being reminded of the blessings of your life, God, and those you love.

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