June 12, 2020

What is Lectio Divina?

Mindful practices are nuggets of wisdom offered to help bring peace, comfort and a sense of God’s presence to our homes. This spring and summer, we are introducing some new ideas. We hope you will “try on” a new mindful practice and become more connected to God. Today’s practice is about Lectio Divina (divine reading), or a meditative method for deeply absorbing and reflecting on scripture.

In her blog, Busted Halo, Elizabeth Manneh writes a wonderful introduction to this ancient practice. Each of the four steps beginning with reading (Lectio), progressing through Meditatio (Reflect) and Oratio (Respond) and ending with Rest (Contemplatio), is an opportunity to sink into the word. Like a prism splitting light into visible form Lectio Divina helps us discern the message that the Holy Spirit is offering to us. A bible and a quiet spot is all that is necessary to begin.

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