October 9, 2020

Why Give to Church?

An Update from the Ministry of Finance & Stewardship

Thank you to all who have sent in pledge cards for our annual Stewardship Season or pledged online through the My St. John’s portal. We are grateful for your faithful support of St. John’s.

Remember, we shortened the pledge period this year to just one month, so please respond by October 31. Take a moment to learn more about our month long journey of gratitude which moves us to generosity. And be sure to join us for church online the next three Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. to hear from inspiring fellow St. John’s parishioners!

So, why do people give to their houses of worship? Below these photos of your church family from some recent St. John’s events are a few of the many reasons people give. One of the most frequent responses is that church is community and a form of connection.


  • It’s where I experience the transforming presence of God.
  • It’s where I am reminded who God is and who God calls me to be.
  • I just feel good as part of the church! I look around and think, “This is the way the world should be!”
  • It’s the only community I know where different generations (or races, or income levels, or…) come together.
  • Sure, I can be spiritual at home or on the beach, but I also need community. For me, Christianity is a we thing more than a me thing.
  • I really need Jesus in my life and these people show me who he is and how to follow him.
  • The church community makes me a better person, and together we are making the world a better place.
  • We need more sacred beauty in the world, and these folks pump out beauty like nothing else I know.
  • The music, the message, the people – it’s all about God’s justice and unconditional love!
  • It’s fun! I love being a part of the church and seeing it thrive.

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